My name is Erratic, and I'm afraid of death.
Wait, no, that's a lie. Erratic isn't my real name, obviously, but it's what I plan to use for this blog. And I'm not afraid of death so much as what it entails. No, not Hell. I could deal with Hell. I wouldn't enjoy it, but it'd be better than the alternative I fear. I'm not afraid of pain, I'm afraid of
The thought that one day I may suddenly not exist haunts my every waking moment. It sends me into fits of panic. It's even made me contemplate ending it all. If life has no meaning, then why live? Then at least the fear would end.
Now before you tell me to 'find God', let me assure you that I have found a god. There's just a great possibility that he's not your god. I follow an Egyptian deity, but I do so with great doubt. I practice magic, but it's all medication to keep me from my anxiety. Even my career was chosen to hopefully, one day, 'scare me straight' about the possibility of life after death. What better place to find a ghost than a mortuary?
To be honest, I'm sick of the whole thing. I'm sick of pretending to believe in something when my gut constantly tries to contradict me. I'm going to find proof of -something- out there if it kills me. These pagan trappings aren't doing it anymore, it's time for me to be stupid.
I apologize if I sound incoherent, I haven't had proper sleep in days thanks to this sickness of mine.
I suppose I should break the purpose of this blog down: Pagan girl is scared to death of death, so she decides to go out of her way to provoke the unknown in the hopes of finding some personal proof of said unknown.
Does that sum it up well enough?