Thursday, February 10, 2011


I waited until midnight.

Not to be creepy or anything, I just don't live alone and didn't want to risk anyone walking in on me.

I started by lighting three candles. No, they weren't black. I sadly couldn't get any black candles on such short notice. I then began to burn the asafoetida on the charcoal I had. I'm honestly not sure how long it took me to enter a trance state, but I did as well as one possibly can while thinking the whole thing is a load of crock.

I then anointed the sigil with blood: 

Don't worry, I didn't actually cut myself for this. I had a scab that I was able to pick at, and I'm not one to waste an opportunity. You can even tell it was only about a drop or two. I'm not -crazy-.


So after that I attached the sigil to my mirror, and visualized sending my energy into both of them. I then performed the conjuration. The result?

Not a fucking thing.

Wait, that's a lie. The hair on the back of my neck -did- stand up a bit, but...that's really to be expected when one is chanting creepy things in a candle-lit room at midnight. I asked if anything was there, and I got the same feeling of talking to myself that I did when I used to attempt to commune with dieties way back when. The same half assed mental 'yes' that truly means I'm just chatting with my subconcious. Balls.

I got goosebumps. I'm pretty sure those were from the mental freak out I had when I realized nothing was going to happen.

I'm....actually not feeling too hot right now. I think I'm slipping into a depression or something. Whatever, I'll post something when I wake up.

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